The Stories of haft pekar

Written by: abas jahangirian
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: peydayesh
Category: Literature
Year: 2010
168 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The philosophical, mystic stories and poems of Masnavi-I Ma›navi, written by Jalāl ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi, also known as Jalāl ad- Din Muhammad Rumi, an Iranian poet in 13 century, gives the reader this chance to learns and benefits from this great book ,as much as he can. Perhaps this is why many have called it the book of wisdom for life.

Author About:

The philosophical, mystic stories and poems of Masnavi-I Ma›navi, written by Jalāl ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi, also known as Jalāl ad- Din Muhammad Rumi, an Iranian poet in 13 century, gives the reader this chance to learns and benefits from this great book ,as much as he can. Perhaps this is why many have called it the book of wisdom for life.

Publisher Name:peydayesh

Address:No86, fakhrerazi st, Enqelab Ave




Languages we correspond in: English
