Ecological Regions of Iran Vegetation Types of Sistan & Balochestan province

Written by: Mohammad Fayaz
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands
Category: Academic
Year: 2017
244 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Sistân o Balučestân Province with an area of 180,726 km² after Kerman Province, is the second largest province of Iran. It is in the southeast of the country, bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan and its capital is Zahedan. The province comprises two sections, Sistan in the north and Baluchestan in the south. The book of “Vegetation Types of Sistan & Balochestan Province”, is under the national plan for “recognition of ecological regions of Iran”, which includes a 1:250000 scale vegetation type maps. This book is the result of field studies of vegetation cover and adaptation of vegetation type maps, resource and land capability assessment and meteorological maps and climatic classification of the study area.

Author About:

Name: Mohammad Fayaz Scientific Certificate: Ms.c. in Natural Resources-Rangeland Scientific degree: Assistant Professor in Rangeland Field of interests: Rangeland ecology, breeding and rangeland development

Publisher Name:Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands

Address:Tehran: km; Tehran - Karaj Freeway, Peykanshahr exit, st. Cedar Azad, Iran National Botanical Garden Boulevard



ManagingDirector:Adel Jalili

Languages we correspond in: English
