Tragedy of Russian Modernisation The

Written by: Dr. Jahangir Karami; Roghaye Keramatinia
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: University of Tehran press
Category: Academic
Year: 2019
209 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

In this book, it is attempted to take into account the specific features of the post-fifteenth periods in order to better assess political modernity and its incompatibility with economic modernization in modern Russia. It will also historically examine the contexts and factors that influence the nature of Russia's pattern of modernization and development. This book deals with the strengths and weaknesses of the actions and policies of Russian sovereignty in line with Russia's political and economic modernization. The first chapter examines the theoretical foundations of modernization. The second chapter briefly looks at the history of Russia from ancient times to modern times. The third chapter deals with the ancient times and the Mongol era. the fourth chapter deals with the formation of the Moscow government and the Russian independence and provides the first Russian attention to the West. Chapter Five is the most crucial chapter and examines the question of modernization in the era of the Russian Empire. Chapter Six deals with the modernization of the Communist era. Chapter Seven and Chapter Eight discuss modernization in modern Russia and comparing Russian patterns. Geographical factors affecting renovation are discussed in Chapter nine and functional factors such as government and renovation results are discussed in Chapter ten.

Author About:

Dr. Jahangir Karami graduated from the University of Tehran with a degree in International Relations. He concentrated on Russian studies and did research on Russian studies. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the University of Tehran.

Publisher Name:University of Tehran press

Address:University of Tehran Publications and Printing Institute, Fargar Moghadam Ave (Sixteenth), North Kargar Ave., Tehran

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ManagingDirector:Mohammad Mosakhani

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