Book About:
“sha’ar” (old city) is ancient form of “sh’ahr” (modern city). The author wants to explain how the thinking and ideas of the community affects the shape of the city and describes the evolution of the city Since antiquity to the Islamic era, and then Modern era. The author identifies the important features of each era. He says that the mixture of ethereal love and mundane love turbulent the Iranian cities. We are facing a new style during the Qajar era, which at the same time has indigenous and modern elements and creates the "Tehran style
Author About:
Mohsen Habibi was born in Kermanshah. He received a high school diploma in mathematics from Shapur Kermanshah High School and holds two master's degrees in architecture and urban planning from the University of Tehran and a doctorate in urban planning from the University of Paris. The title of city composition defended the "traditional city" to the "modern city". Dr. Habibi was recognized as an Exemplary Professor at the University of Tehran. He has more than sixty articles on urban planning and architecture
Publisher Name:University of Tehran press
Address:University of Tehran Publications and Printing Institute, Fargar Moghadam Ave (Sixteenth), North Kargar Ave., Tehran
Phone:+98 88338712-21
Fax:+98 88012077-21
ManagingDirector:Mohammad Mosakhani
Languages we correspond in: English