The Story of Mouse and Cat

Written by: rahmandoost
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: peydayesh
Year: 2017
72 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The real adventures of life and all its good and had points are reflected by the stories of the ‘Mouse and Cat’. Though it might seem to be the old story of the wicked and nasty cat and the poor mouse, but it truly depicts man and his life. Bahā al-din Mohammad ibn Hossein al-āmilī, also known as Shaykh-i Bahāee, an Iranian scholar, philosopher, architect, mathematician, astronomer and a poet in 16th century, wrote his great book to convey his views which covered a vast field including architecture, mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and ect.

Author About:

The real adventures of life and all its good and had points are reflected by the stories of the ‘Mouse and Cat’. Though it might seem to be the old story of the wicked and nasty cat and the poor mouse, but it truly depicts man and his life. Bahā al-din Mohammad ibn Hossein al-āmilī, also known as Shaykh-i Bahāee, an Iranian scholar, philosopher, architect, mathematician, astronomer and a poet in 16th century, wrote his great book to convey his views which covered a vast field including architecture, mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and ect.

Publisher Name:peydayesh

Address:No86, fakhrerazi st, Enqelab Ave




Languages we correspond in: English
