Industry Over or Against Tradition? (Vol.2)

Written by: dr Morteza Farhadi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Allameh Tabatabai University Press
Category: Academic
Year: 2018
640 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

One of the typologies of science in the cultures of the east is the division of sciences into the physical sciences available to all (the natural sciences) and the hidden sciences (occult sciences). The thousand-layered knowledge, and the labyrinth of interdisciplinary and inter-epistemic development without any sort of spirituality, and benevolent, humanistic ethics, would be like a secret science of alchemy and the occult sciences, which would contribute to and serve the dominion of the west, and would be deceitful and misleading for the east. Central countries resort to many excuses and methods to disorient, discourage and mislead peripheral countries in their move toward development. At best, as Leo Tolstoy has described, they are like deaf historians who go on answering questions which have not been asked. In the present work, a number of techniques and devices employed by the central countries have been described, and the author endeavors to omit the discordant noises of the devious markets of the capitalist-colonialist system, in order to create a garden of silence and a quiet space for the reader to hear the resonant albeit subtle voices of human beings – resembling the mystical Persian Tanbur – from all over the world, and perhaps the reader would allow the author the usage of many adjectives adjacent to the word ‘development’, placing the concept in his own intended frame. To paraphrase Leften Stavros Stavrianos, the Third World is not composed of a collection of countries, but of a series of relations. The main statement of the global chasm is based on the following: ‘Underdevelopment’ is not an internal (endogenous) phenomenon arising from Third World countries. In fact, it is the product of the global capitalist system and complements it. To overcome underdevelopment, there is no other solution but to put an end to dependency and its structures. This is how we recognize that development is not a merely economic matter which is achieved through capital injection. Therefore, Sigmund Freud was speaking the truth when he described Western civilization as the most evolved means for the least evolved ends.

Author About:

Prof. Morteza Farhadi is Professor of Anthropology and Development at Allameh Tabataba'i University. He has published more than one hundred and twenty scientific articles. His favorite fields are Iranian traditional science and technology, Iranian socio-economic development and the art of prehistory is noted.

Publisher Name:Allameh Tabatabai University Press




ManagingDirector:Shoja Ahmadvand

Languages we correspond in: English
