A treatise of Love and Reason

Written by: najmoldin razi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Elmi Farhangi Publication Company
Category: Science
Year: 2014
127 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

In this book, as his name suggests, he speaks of love and reason. Most of the have spoken about it, and has no . The basis of the book is based on the explanation that one of his friends has asked about the perfection of love and the completeness of love, and whether reason is a part of all sorts of organisms. has written a philosophical discussion in this book and has responded to all misgivings about it. The prose of the book is eloquent, and the author is replaced by ,, and . It is useful for research enthusiasts in Sufism as well as for the of Persian language and literature.

Author About:

In this book, as his name suggests, he speaks of love and reason. Most of the have spoken about it, and has no . The basis of the book is based on the explanation that one of his friends has asked about the perfection of love and the completeness of love, and whether reason is a part of all sorts of organisms. has written a philosophical discussion in this book and has responded to all misgivings about it. The prose of the book is eloquent, and the author is replaced by ,, and . It is useful for research enthusiasts in Sufism as well as for the of Persian language and literature.

Publisher Name:Elmi Farhangi Publication Company

Address:No. 25, Kaman Ave., Jahan Koudak Crossroad, Africa Blvd., Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:Masoud Kousari

Languages we correspond in: ENGLISH
