waxy winter

Written by: saleh tabatabee
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Rowzaneh Publication
Category: Literature
Year: 2017
268 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

But the second and most important aspect of waxy winter is that the story does not suffice to identify the killer and uncover the motivations of murder. It has to be noted that the great difficulty of the "classical" detective stories is that it is no kindness to read them again; every charm of the story is at the same time that we read the book, and after solving the puzzle or disclosing the character of the assassin and its motivations, it is usually not more interesting to demand the reading of . The old problem is "the of classic police - detective stories" in wax winter with a new twist. That's what I want to say more about it. A waxy winter, along with the story of the chain murders and solving the mystery of the murders, psychological, philosophical and even cultural considerations showing that the true aim of the story is to ask why such a " story" should not last.

Author About:

But the second and most important aspect of waxy winter is that the story does not suffice to identify the killer and uncover the motivations of murder. It has to be noted that the great difficulty of the "classical" detective stories is that it is no kindness to read them again; every charm of the story is at the same time that we read the book, and after solving the puzzle or disclosing the character of the assassin and its motivations, it is usually not more interesting to demand the reading of . The old problem is "the of classic police - detective stories" in wax winter with a new twist. That's what I want to say more about it. A waxy winter, along with the story of the chain murders and solving the mystery of the murders, psychological, philosophical and even cultural considerations showing that the true aim of the story is to ask why such a " story" should not last.

Publisher Name:Rowzaneh Publication

Address:Third Floor, No. 202, South Mirzaye Shirazi Ave., Motahari St., Tehran, Iran




Languages we correspond in: English
