Book About:
The customs of the ministry, and the determination of the powers and functions of ministers and their relations with the Caliphs and the courtiers, took form over time and became complete with the demands of the increasing demands of the government.
The custom of the ministry and the minister's office came together with the formation of the government to imitate Persian kings.
Before that, the Ministry had neither a certain rule nor a steady rule. but every one of them was about him, and he consulted with them.
The customs of the ministry and the extent of the powers and functions of ministers and their relations with the Caliphs and the court, formed over time and in the demands of the increasing demands of the state, and established itself in the late afternoon of the first period of Abbasi.
On some occasions when the Umayyad power declined, these ministers took great strength. The history of the ministry was changed in the Third Age of the Caliphate, which coincided with the rule of .
in the first part of the book, it examines the subject of the caliphate in this period and the policies of princes and kings with ottoman and ministers of abbasi.
Author About:
The customs of the ministry, and the determination of the powers and functions of ministers and their relations with the Caliphs and the courtiers, took form over time and became complete with the demands of the increasing demands of the government.
The custom of the ministry and the minister's office came together with the formation of the government to imitate Persian kings.
Before that, the Ministry had neither a certain rule nor a steady rule. but every one of them was about him, and he consulted with them.
The customs of the ministry and the extent of the powers and functions of ministers and their relations with the Caliphs and the court, formed over time and in the demands of the increasing demands of the state, and established itself in the late afternoon of the first period of Abbasi.
On some occasions when the Umayyad power declined, these ministers took great strength. The history of the ministry was changed in the Third Age of the Caliphate, which coincided with the rule of .
in the first part of the book, it examines the subject of the caliphate in this period and the policies of princes and kings with ottoman and ministers of abbasi.
Publisher Name:Elmi Farhangi Publication Company
Address:No. 25, Kaman Ave., Jahan Koudak Crossroad, Africa Blvd., Tehran, Iran
ManagingDirector:Masoud Kousari
Languages we correspond in: ENGLISH