I Had Dreamed

Written by: Ma'soumeh Amirzadeh
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Shahed Publisher
Category: Literature
Year: 2016
272 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

This book contains the memoirs of an Iranian fighter, martyr Gholam Hussein Haghani, and his wife. The author of the book used the interviews with the martyr’s close friends, in particular, interviews with the martyr’s wife, as well as the related existing documents in SAVAK (Shah’s intelligence organization), and has written it in the fiction style in different parts. Gholam Hussein Haghani was one of the Iranian combatant preachers who played a major role in waking up the people. He was a political prisoner during the Shah’s reign and was freed from the jail after the victory of the Islamic Revolution. After the victory of the revolution, he had a significant role in advancing the revolution. He was martyred by anti-revolutionary agents in the explosion of a building in Tehran.

Author About:

Ma'soumeh Amirzadeh The writer was a third year high school student in Hormozgan province. Masoumeh was researching and writing biographies of student martyrs because of her writing ability and her talent for writing at the school's Martyrs Foundation.

Publisher Name:Shahed Publisher

Address:f.3-no3-MALEKOLSHOARABAHAR st. - TALEGHANI ST.-tehran



ManagingDirector:RAHIM NARIMANI

Languages we correspond in: persian
