
Written by: Mohsen Motlagh
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Shahed Publisher
Category: Literature
Year: 2016
56 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The king (Shah) had escaped and the people were looting the palaces. Kazem was the first person who touched the golden handle of the palace’s large gate. He entered the palace and saw the silk curtains, incrusted chairs and tables, silk carpets and so on. But the palace was a gloomy place for him despite all of its beauty. For him, the clay houses in his village, its natural landscapes, and roaming the paternal farm were more pleasant.

Author About:

Mohsen Motlagh, went to battlefront when he was a teenager and stayed there under the influence of that atmosphere until the end of the war. Motlagh began writing about the war with the book Viva Komeil. After the war, he studied industrial design at the University of Science and Technology in Tehran, and gained some experience in music too and has been playing reed for years. Some of the works by Mohsen Motlagh are as follows: - The Deserted Roads of War; - Megil; - The Kind Emigrant; - Viva Komeil; - One Day, One Man; - The Little Watchman; - The Glassy Look; - The Tan Tree

Publisher Name:Shahed Publisher

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ManagingDirector:RAHIM NARIMANI

Languages we correspond in: persian
