Illustrated by: non
Publisher: Candle & Fog Publishing
Category: Literature
Year: 2014
270 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Although conceived as part of an historic trilogy, ‘Amineh’ is an independent tale which begins in early 18th century Iran. What makes this book particularly unique and interesting is that it underlines the role and influence that women can demonstrate in a patriarchal, Muslim society. Through the eyes of the heroine, Amineh and her remarkable female successors, we are treated to a unique perspective of the events which took place during the Safavi and early Qajar dynasties. The story is presented within the context of many familiar and well-known historical European events and people but the reader views them as a Persian woman. Modern-day Iran was born amidst the turmoil of its people and shaped by its interactions with Europe, in particular by its relationship with the Russian Empire. Mr Behnoud currently works for BBC Persian service as an analyst and has, over the years, come to enjoy a very high profile in Iran, the Iranian community abroad and within the journalistic world. Behnoud has written a number of books and they have all made their mark on the contemporary literary scene in Iran.

Author About:

Masoud Behnoud, a prominent Iranian journalist, historian, writer and a film maker, was born on July 27, 1947 in Tehran. He started his work as a journalist in 1964 and worked as an investigating journalist for different newspapers. He founded more than 20 newspapers and magazines. He has published about 1000 essays and commentaries. He also produced and presented programmes for the National Iranian Radio and Television, producing 200 radio programmes 100 TV programs and 40 feature films. Behnoud has written 17 books on the contemporary history of Iran, which are the result of research and study of documents. His trilogy of books, Amineh, Khanoum and The Broken Urn, is aimed at familiarizing the reader with the history of Iran and prominent international events going back to the eighteenth century up to present times. Masoud Behnoud’s debut in the west was the launch of Khanoum, in 2008.

Publisher Name:Candle & Fog Publishing

Address:Marzban Nameh St, Mofateh St, No 14 unit 1



ManagingDirector:Afshin Shahneh Tabar

Languages we correspond in: English
