Goethe Street Cafe

Written by: shah abadi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Ofoqco Publication
Category: Literature
Year: 2017
183 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The author of the novel, "The Cafe of Goethe Street", pointed out the features of his book, " The time of the events of the novel was chaos, but most incidents occurred in the period of Qajar and pahlavi, and there was a retreat after the revolution. Post - revolutionary events take place outside Iran. He added, " It took me six years to write, because I felt like I owe every character in the book. It seems to me that the main subject of this novel is and contrasts with the realities of the present world. Hamid Reza Shah, an oasis, writer and researcher in 1967, was born in Tehran, "before the rain," his first story published in 1368 in a weekly magazine. The king of the oasis is a master "s degree in history for the Dead Girl, " "No one has the courage," "The Early History of Freemasonry in Iran", "Introduction to Child Literature," from aspiration to reality "and" in a lack of childhood " among his works.

Author About:

The author of the novel, "The Cafe of Goethe Street", pointed out the features of his book, " The time of the events of the novel was chaos, but most incidents occurred in the period of Qajar and pahlavi, and there was a retreat after the revolution. Post - revolutionary events take place outside Iran. He added, " It took me six years to write, because I felt like I owe every character in the book. It seems to me that the main subject of this novel is and contrasts with the realities of the present world. Hamid Reza Shah, an oasis, writer and researcher in 1967, was born in Tehran, "before the rain," his first story published in 1368 in a weekly magazine. The king of the oasis is a master "s degree in history for the Dead Girl, " "No one has the courage," "The Early History of Freemasonry in Iran", "Introduction to Child Literature," from aspiration to reality "and" in a lack of childhood " among his works

Publisher Name:Ofoqco Publication

Address:No. 183, Shahid Nazari Ave., Farvardin Ave., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:Reza Hashemi Nejad

Languages we correspond in: English
