On Foundations of Universe

Written by: arman arian
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Ofoqco Publication
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2017
1396 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The third installation of the series, Patash Khoargar, is in fact the continuance of Farreh’s group’s fight against demon’s minions, on a quest to conquer the Earth. Farreh orders everyone to gather as much allied forces as possible. We mostly read about the fate of characters on the good side of the battle. One intriguing fact about this title is the cohesion of time during the numerous flashbacks in the narrative. At some point during the course of the story, Farreh is captured by Mahdad and his magical power begins to deteriorate. It’s on his forces to see the mission through and save the day. As Arman Arian, the author, describes these stories and characters are based on and inspired from Avesta, Zoroastrians’ holy book. This might as well be the first time that we can have recreations of those stories in form of novel.

Author About:

The third installation of the series, Patash Khoargar, is in fact the continuance of Farreh’s group’s fight against demon’s minions, on a quest to conquer the Earth. Farreh orders everyone to gather as much allied forces as possible. We mostly read about the fate of characters on the good side of the battle. One intriguing fact about this title is the cohesion of time during the numerous flashbacks in the narrative. At some point during the course of the story, Farreh is captured by Mahdad and his magical power begins to deteriorate. It’s on his forces to see the mission through and save the day. As Arman Arian, the author, describes these stories and characters are based on and inspired from Avesta, Zoroastrians’ holy book. This might as well be the first time that we can have recreations of those stories in form of novel.

Publisher Name:Ofoqco Publication

Address:No. 183, Shahid Nazari Ave., Farvardin Ave., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:Reza Hashemi Nejad

Languages we correspond in: English
