The Beginning; Epic

Written by: arman arian
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Ofoqco Publication
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2017
352 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

He’s been missing for so many years. There is only one thing remaining from him; his nickname as Monster Killer. Simultaneously with the invasion of Ahriman and his troops on Earth, humans must face a grave crisis. The just and kind King Manoosh is killed through a conspiracy and Mahdad, his minister’s son, gains the power undeservingly. With the greed of obtaining Farah (the ultimate power) he attacks the Farah tower and destroys the holly mountain. Just then, the shimmering ball of power runs away and unites with a boy called Arasti. The little Arasti has lost all his family and village, after the attack of monsters and demons. The Farah starts guiding him to find Patash Khoargar; the only person who can once more unites the seven kingdoms of men and save them from complete annihilation which lies ahead. But beware that this is only the beginning of a breath-taking trilogy, by famous author, Arman Aryan.

Author About:

He’s been missing for so many years. There is only one thing remaining from him; his nickname as Monster Killer. Simultaneously with the invasion of Ahriman and his troops on Earth, humans must face a grave crisis. The just and kind King Manoosh is killed through a conspiracy and Mahdad, his minister’s son, gains the power undeservingly. With the greed of obtaining Farah (the ultimate power) he attacks the Farah tower and destroys the holly mountain. Just then, the shimmering ball of power runs away and unites with a boy called Arasti. The little Arasti has lost all his family and village, after the attack of monsters and demons. The Farah starts guiding him to find Patash Khoargar; the only person who can once more unites the seven kingdoms of men and save them from complete annihilation which lies ahead. But beware that this is only the beginning of a breath-taking trilogy, by famous author, Arman Aryan.

Publisher Name:Ofoqco Publication

Address:No. 183, Shahid Nazari Ave., Farvardin Ave., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:Reza Hashemi Nejad

Languages we correspond in: English
