A Seyagh Chronicle through Four Hundred Words for English Brochure

Written by: Asadullah Abdoli Ashtiani
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Safir Ardehal Publication
Category: Science
Year: 2018
1266 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

A seyagh accountancy is associated with a history archaism of the universe accountancy in an Achaemenian era, which has initially established a specialized and ordered structure of the mathematics in order to have bureaucracy calculations in the Sassanian period. The seyagh accountancy was a commercial and ministerial-official system which includes a collection of calculations, agendum of writing a budget, resource allocation, codification, and writing a bill to simple commercial income and expenditures. A boundless ministerial territory encompasses caesareans of Achaemenian, Sassanian, Abbassian, and Seljuk to Patriarch, Safavid, Osmanli, and Qajars from India, Pakistan, and Asia median to Asia Minor, Anatolia (Turkey), Shamat, and Egypt in the route of the silk path. The silk path comprises the cities of Kashqar and Khoten in the province of Sinkiang and Xinjiang in China. It records and registers the whole calculations of the Mostofian and the merchants with the seyagh in the eminent Iranian cultural realm until 1307 SH ('Shamsi Hijri' or 'Solar Hijri'). A power of the bureaucracy of the Iranian secretaries, Mostofian, and ministers depends on preserving the Iranian culture based on maintaining the secret and the mystery of the Iranian thought during the two thousand years ago. In this book, with the help of the remained manuscripts and the Seyagh interior framework provides an appropriate situation to familiar with: (history, bureau application, terminology, mechanism of learning and writing of the seyagh accountancy). The Seyagh numbers and terminologies contain the secret and symbolic numerals within the material and pecuniary accountancy. They are a method of recording the calculations and division of the items into the alphabets and the graphic configurations, which is a peculiar wonderful methodology accompanies with the whole technological and professional principles that require an artifice and a wonderwork. Consequently, they are in a request of knowledge's accessories of bookkeeping, deallocation, composition, and a particular sorted work for the sake of the secretaries and the Mostofian, which have needed a specialized expertise. A writing of the Seyagh has done by the means of a specific floor in the official organization. It was trained a calculated method and an access of its complexity and technicality by the means of the experienced experts through an eccentric procedure, and only Mostofian and writers of the corps informed and verged on it completely. Sometimes, the Mostofian and the quartermasters of the deallocation office are called (a verbose person) who has itself a background before Islam. Principally, the verbose person considers as a sequence of the calculation of Pehlevi's handwriting. The Seyagh is the Iranian knowledge which its archaism at least comes back to the Sassanian era.

Author About:

Asadullah Abdoli Ashtiani

Publisher Name:Safir Ardehal Publication

Address:unit 118. avenue somayyeh. street mofatteh. tehran. iran



ManagingDirector:seyed hossein abedini

Languages we correspond in: ENGLISH
