Dwarf Clown

Written by: Anahita Limouei
Illustrated by: Anahita Limouei
Publisher: Shazde Kocholo
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2019
16 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The story is about the king and his clown who has left the palace for the wrath of the king ,And the set of things that happen to them.

Author About:

Anahita Limouei An 18-year-old graphic designing student who is interested in children's books illustration. She has won several country level festivals in different fields such as hand-printing , poster designing , illustration , and drawing. Ilustrated a published book by Loopetoo publication. ▪ Selected for international blood festival (winner of under 18 category) ▪ Second grade of "Drypoint Print" in country level in the "19th Festival of Visual Arts" ▪ Fourth grade of " Drawing with pencil" in country level in the "18th Festival of Visual Arts" ▪ First grade of "Illustrating" in state level in Health for teenagers Festival ▪ Second grade of "Poster designing" in state level in Health for teenagers Festival ▪Finalist of "26th Youth Visual Art National Festival" in illustration fiel

Publisher Name:Shazde Kocholo

Address:engelab-12 farvardin-vahid nazari -no 99 -3rd floor

Phone:+98 21 66400330

Fax:+98 21 66400300

ManagingDirector:moona Aram Far

Languages we correspond in: English
