Mystik in der iranischen schiitischen Welt

Written by: Abu Mohammed al-Hasan bin Ali bin al-Husain bin Shu'ba al-Harrani
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Kulturabtailung der Botschaft der lsl. Rep. Iran
Category: Religion
Year: 2018
225 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Mystik in der iranischen schiitischen Welt. Langbeschreibung Sadr al-Din Muhammad b. Ibrahim b. Yahya Qawami Shirazi (ca. 1571–1636) is arguably the most significant Islamic philosopher after Avicenna. Best known as Mulla Sadra, he was later given the title of Sadr al-Muta’allihin (Master of the theosists) for his approach to philosophy that combined an interest in theology and drew upon insights from mystical intuition. He championed a radical philosophical method that attempted to transcend the simple dichotomy between a discursive, ratiocinative mode of reasoning and knowing, and a more intuitive, poetic and non-propositional mode of knowledge.

Author About:

Autor: Abu Mohammed al-Hasan bin Ali bin al-Husain bin Shu'ba al-Harrani Übersetzer: ROLAND PIETSCH, Dr. theol., o. Professor für Philosophie an der Ukrainischen Freien Universität in München, Professor und Ehrenprofessor an der Nationalen Universität Kiewer Mohyla Akademie in Kiew/Ukraine

Publisher Name:Kulturabtailung der Botschaft der lsl. Rep. Iran





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