Book About:
The book “Palestine” consists of 8 sections
including generalities, failures and
victories, responsibilities, crimes, solutions,
heroes, enlightenment, and bright future
towards issue of “Palestine”.
Thus, the above book could serve as
a reference for methodology of how
Ayatollah Khamenei deals with the issue
of occupation of Palestine.
In the introduction of the book, consultant
of leader of Islamic Revolution and former
Iranian foreign minister, Dr. Velayati,
elaborated the role of Shia scholars in the
issue of Palestine and wrote: “one of the
important reactions towards occupation of
Palestine is the attitude of Shia clergymen
that continued for 17 years. […] now
with respect to this feature, we should
know how this class of Muslim scholars
dealt with issues like Palestine and
Zionist influence and how necessary they
considered confrontation with it.”
Author About:
Born in 1939, his
father and ancestors
were religious
scholars and cleric.
leader of the Islamic
Republic of Iran
Source of emulation
for the Shia world
Senior scholar instructor
of Islamic
Theorist in various
branches of Islamic
sciences, specifically
in religion,
politics, and history
of Islam, etc.
Publisher Name:Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers
Address:No.140, Shohadaye-e JAndarmeri St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran
Fax: -
Languages we correspond in: ENGLISH