The Miracle of Ashura

Written by: Hossein Ghaffari
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers
Category: Religion
Year: 2013
502 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The book “The Miracle of Ashura” is composed of lessons taught by Dr. Hussein Ghaffari, professor of philosophy in Tehran University. In this book, he adopts a new different approach in examining the Ashura movement. Except for the first and last (twelfth) chapters which have a relative independence compared to other chapters, the other ten chapters have a unified and continuous context besides having variety. In the first chapter, a new and phenomenal approach is adopted and the Ashura event is considered as a human miracle in proving the transcendent reality of universe. In this view, besides presenting a rational analysis of the phenomenon of miracle during the mankind’s history, the major features of miraculous affairs are compared with the behaviors of Imam Hussein (A.S.) and his great companions. The twelfth chapter is interpretation of a lyric poem by Hafiz whose consistency with the Ashura event has been explained in a novel style. But the other ten chapters include various analytical discussions in which the contradictory interpretations made by the previous scholars have been reviewed and studied. The objectives and nature of Ashura movement are examined; the one-dimensional interpretations (whether social or individual) are believed to be insufficient and a comprehensive interpretation is presented which is based on fundamental principles of the Shia and divine anthropology; the interpretations have been made based on deep philosophical and mystic analyses and also principles of divine Quranic instructions. One interesting discussion in this book is philosophical analysis of the issue of crying and its role in spirituality and excellence of the man’s spirit which has been examined from different aspects. In addition, there is a deep and extensive discussion on “Imam’s science”, and doubts and shortcomings of this issue in interpretation of Ashura movement; in this discussion, the role, meaning and function of “a priori knowledge” and its substantial and functional difference with “a posteriori knowledge” are addressed. Also in an independent chapter, the issue of mourning for Imam Hussein (A.S.) and the role and importance of each of the elements of these ceremonies are discussed and the problems and improper affairs in each of these ceremonies have been examined, too. In general, the unique fundamental feature of this book is rational and philosophical discussions in interpretation and analysis of the objective and social affairs in Islamic culture.

Author About:

Hossein Ghaffari

Publisher Name:Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers

Address:No.140, Shohadaye-e JAndarmeri St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran


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Languages we correspond in: ENGLISH
