Wedding with the Sun

Written by: Ahmad Akbarpour
Illustrated by: Hamideh Khosravanian
Publisher: Fatemi Publishing Co.
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2017
32 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Once upon a time, there was a mouse called Sharptooth who was the bravest mouse in the whole wide world. Many of the lady mice dreamed of becoming his wife, but he would always say, “No, no, I want to marry the strongest creature in the world.” The lady mice would look at him with longing. Sharptooth would go past them quickly and say to himself, “Imagine me marrying a teensy mouse! Ugh!” Follow our story to find out who he marries with… “Wedding with the Sun” is retold from an ancient Iranian folktale. The story familiarizes children with natural phenomena and their power and effects in a satirical narration. Children also get to know their individual potential and capabilities. In reading the story, they contemplate how their behavior and abilities can affect their environment.

Author About:

Ahmad Akbarpoor was born in 1970 in the Province of Fars, Iran. He is one of the most prominent contemporary writers in the field of children and young adults. The themes of his stories are based on peace, friendship, and satire. Being a member of the Children’s Books Council of IRAN(CBC) and the Association of Children’s Writers, Akbarpoor’s books are translated and published in many languages and are awarded many national and international prizes.

Publisher Name:Fatemi Publishing Co.

Address:No.14, Mirhady St, Jouybar St, Fatemi Sq, Tehran, Iran.



ManagingDirector:Iraj Zargham

Languages we correspond in: Persian/English
