Baba Nazar

Written by: Muhammad Hassan Nazarnezhad
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Soore-ye Mehr Publications
Category: Literature
Year: 2017
520 Pages,
ISBN:978 9645061485
All rights available

Book About:

“Baba Nazar” book is the result of a 36-hour talk by the writer of the book with the martyr, Nazarnezhad, which has been compiled in 18 chapters. From the beginning to the end of the book, the narrative form is the first person singular and in the words of Mohammad Hassan Nazarnezhad and covers his birth until several months before his martyrdom chronically. In the first chapter, he narrates his family background. His revolutionary activities during the last years of the Pahlavi regime are the other parts of this chapter, which ends with the days of the revolution victory, and the role of Nazarnezhad in this regard is significant. The second chapter is devoted to the revolutionary activities of Baba Nazar in the early years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution. From the third chapter onwards, his memories recount his presence on the fronts of the Iraq-Iran war. In the next chapters of the book, Nazarnezhad recounts the battles and important events of the war in subsequent years and his role and presence in them and explains in detail about each of these events.

Author About:

Muhammad Hassan Nazarnezhad is an Iranian well-known author.

Publisher Name:Soore-ye Mehr Publications






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