Muhammad( Novel)

Written by: Ibrahim Hassan Beygi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Neyestan Publications
Category: Literature
Year: 2014
321 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

This is a realistic story. We are facing a real and truthful tale. But this real story has its own subsets. First, it is a historical and religious story and next, by the nature of the story it is a tale of beliefs. The language is simple and fluent and unofficial with its special charm. The narrative is linear and goes through the text without any kind of deconstruction in context. The author’s exploitation of the type of language and its relationship with the old date of the issue has made the text fresh and special more than anything else. In this novel, representation of the character is preferred to its description and the author, instead of repeated explanation and description, shows off all the character's attributes ranging from mood and temperament, behavior, behavior, language, dialect, religion, etc. and through this, the character in its true meaning, is disclosed.

Author About:

Ibrahim HassanBeigi is one of the well-known and experienced writers in Iran who has written for children and young adults more than 30 years. He authored more than 50 books and at least 10 of them translated and published in other countries. His travels to all around Iran gave him the opportunity to collect drafts for his later stories. Hassan Beygi’s books are characterized by a simple narrative with the theme of social affairs. He has published 90 novels, adult short story collections and children and young adult books, which some of them are popular and high seller among teenagers and young adults. His books have been translated into other languages and published in different countries.

Publisher Name:Neyestan Publications






Languages we correspond in: -
