Book About:
Even the crows go on trips. Every crow you see might have been on a long or short trip. But what would they need while traveling?
Author About:
Even the crows go on trips. Every the crows you see might have been on a long or short trip. But what do they need while traveling? The story has two different layers. The apparent layer addresses the importance of friendship and sociability. However, in a more hidden layer, the author tries to challenge the children by outlining various questions. In replying to any question posed by the narrator, the children mention what they need for a journey. But the narrator asks them to think like the crow and answer for it. Through a nice story, the audience learns what things are important and valuable in our life.
Publisher Name:TUTI Books, a division for children and YA. Fatemi Publishing Co
Address:14 Mirhadi St, Jouybar Ave, Tehran, Iran
Fax: (+9821)88944062
Languages we correspond in: English, Persian