The Moon and the Fox

Written by: Anahita Taymourian
Illustrated by: Anahita Taymourian
Publisher: Grant Programme of Translation and Publication
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2000
24 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

ne night the Moon had never appeared so beautiful nor so close to the Earth. Stricken by love, the little fox climbed the mountain, seized the Moon and took her back to his den.

Author About:

Anahita Teymoorian Field of Activity: Translator, Illustrator, Poet, Scenarist, Director, Montage, Instructor, And Painter. She has been born In Tehran in 1971, and is married. She has finished her education on architecture from the Faculty of Art and Architecture of Tehran Islamic Azad University, and has been active in illustration, writing, painting, poetry and interior design.

Publisher Name:Grant Programme of Translation and Publication

Address:Tehran- Haft tir Sq., GHaem Magham St., Fakhr Street, no 7, 1st floor




Languages we correspond in: English
