Golf on gunpowder

Written by: ayda moradi ahani
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Negah
Category: Literature
Year: 2013
543 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Golos on the gunpowder of the second book, Aida Moradi, after the Pons story on the cat's tail, is a mysterious novel about a young woman who is engaged in a series of dangerous games after a meeting with a supporter of Nawahpur, and just when he decides the man and the events Forgetting him around, getting acquainted with the patron's father introduces him to a new path

Author About:

Aida Moradi Aheni, born in Tehran in 1362, is a story writer.

Publisher Name:Negah

Address:No.63, Between Farkhre Razi and University Ave., Jandarmeri St., Tehran, Iran

Phone:(+9821) 6697571112


ManagingDirector:alireza raeis danaei

Languages we correspond in: English-persian
