
Written by: amir khodaverdi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Negah
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
232 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

"Alot has paid special attention to the fact that religion was full of violence and extremism, or a humane and sensible reading, or even, like Shah Sultan Hussein, the story of" Alut "became a fantastic and overwhelming reading. Alot has paid particular attention to this, and it seems that Fakhroddin's story is full of violence and extremism from religion, and like Allah, another person, Alvot, had a more humane, more sensible reading, or even a story read like Shah Sultan Hussein. Fantastic and awful. This is one of the most important things we see in Alot.

Author About:

Amir Khodavardi, born in Tehran, is born on January 15, 1980.Amir Koohwardi is the author of Alot, an educated scholar of Qom and clerics. He is currently a teacher of Al-Mustafa Ali al-Maia society.

Publisher Name:Negah

Address:No.63, Between Farkhre Razi and University Ave., Jandarmeri St., Tehran, Iran

Phone:(+9821) 6697571112


ManagingDirector:alireza raeis danaei

Languages we correspond in: English-persian
