Heavily Pregmant Sky

Written by: Saeideh Ajorbandian
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Avaye Kelar Publication
Category: Literature
Year: 2016
82 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Sa’ideh Ajor-Bandiyan studied drama, theater, and theatrical literature. She has got a Ph. D in the philosophy of art. In addition to publishing two sets of poetry, writing three scripts of plays, and rewriting and directing two shows "Eleven Iris branches" and "Road to the Ka'ba". In the play, "Suddenly the Chore Group Rises to Sing another Song". She was both the scriptwriter and the director of this play.

Author About:

It is a scenario about the life of a well-known filmmaker, whose wife is a poet. She was also a law school student. After getting married, not only she dropped out of the law school (and quit his studies) but also got away from poetry. On the closing night of the film festival celebration, a phone call is received at their home. The caller who introduces himself as a student of the filmmaker leaves a message on the answering machine. Subsequently during a conversation with the filmmaker’s wife the student claims that (there has been a plagiarism by the filmmaker) his scriptwriting had been used in the filmmaker's his last work (without his consent). The woman is involved with this incident, and from here, the details of her life and her husband enter into a new phase of a communications relationship.

Publisher Name:Avaye Kelar Publication

Address:Unit 5, No. 10, 9th Golestan St., Pasdaran Ave., Tehran, Iran

Phone:+98 21 22589234

Fax: +98 21 22589234

ManagingDirector:Aresteh Bidarbakht

Languages we correspond in: English, Persian
