Rosary of Love

Written by: Sedigheh Javidi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Avaye Kelar Publication
Category: Literature
Year: 2012
91 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Sedigheh Javidi Bushehri is a veteran scriptwriter and in addition to the scripts, three stories of hers for adults and three books of hers in the field of child and adolescent literature were published

Author About:

It is a screenplay of the memories (diaries) and how the life of one of the Bushehr port inhabitants is. It is about someone who lost one of his legs during the imposed war. He receives a letter from his wife in which (while informing him of her decision to separate) she bids farewell to him, letting him (and his family) to have the custody of her baby. The physical and psychological sufferings caused him to be admitted into a mental hospital. When he returns home, he realizes that his wife is dead. His sister adopts his daughter and after many years when the girl is going to get married, she recognizes her father coincidently. When they intend to find her mother’s tombstone in the cemetery, they discover that the grave is wrong. Eventually, after spending many years in desperation and emotional distress, he finds his wife.

Publisher Name:Avaye Kelar Publication

Address:Unit 5, No. 10, 9th Golestan St., Pasdaran Ave., Tehran, Iran

Phone:+98 21 22589234

Fax: +98 21 22589234

ManagingDirector:Aresteh Bidarbakht

Languages we correspond in: English, Persian
