the Bean-Man's Report

Written by: Mehdi Rajabi
Illustrated by: Minoo Jaami
Publisher: Peydayesh Publishing House
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2017
64 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

This five volume book tells five independent weird stories for young-adults and teenagers. The stories and the atmosphere are unique in comparison to most Persian Young-Adult literature. The language of the books, although simple, is surprisingly layered and full of metaphors, fitting to create these weird and mysterious tales. This series is a great choice for any book enthusiast. The amazing illustrations add to the dark and sometimes mysterious feeling of the books.

Author About:

Mehdi Rajabi is one of the most famous Farsi writers for the young adult. He mostly writes Fantasy fiction but, in this 5 volume bone-chilling series with vivid and captivating illustrations, he scares even the bravest of readers.

Publisher Name:Peydayesh Publishing House

Address:No.86, Shahid Jandarmeri St., Fakhre Razi St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran

Phone:(+9821) 66970270


ManagingDirector:Mohsen Taeb

Languages we correspond in: English-persian
