Someone Remains in Me

Written by: Monir Al-saadaat Hosseini
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Avaye Kelar Publication
Category: Literature
Year: 2016
111 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

“Someone remains in me” is a free verse poem book divided in two parts; one is longer poems and the other short poems, addressee face with social and emotional contents. During two years this book has published for second print. *** Never mind You hide for hide for hours in crowd of subways With a Suitcase of words And write your poems Back of receipts Never mind Not to take off In Azadi station And prefer just looking on statuses Just you have to be a poet is smoked In cafes with cigarettes turn your cup to the side of silence And just write about your love mate

Author About:

Monir Al-saadaat Hosseini has master degree of English literature and she teaches English. She also is responsible is literature community of Eshragh multi-cultural center

Publisher Name:Avaye Kelar Publication

Address:Unit 5, No. 10, 9th Golestan St., Pasdaran Ave., Tehran, Iran

Phone:+98 21 22589234

Fax: +98 21 22589234

ManagingDirector:Aresteh Bidarbakht

Languages we correspond in: English, Persian
