Detective Mr. Heshmati

Written by: abas ashrafi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: avand-danesh
Category: Literature
Year: 1398
131 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Detective Mr. Heshmati believes that a good detective should have a detective coat. He is not a good detective, but his daughter believes that her father is the best and smartest police detective. Detective Mr. Heshmati borrows a coat from his neighbor to attend his daughter`s birthday party and get involved in a murder case with a borrowed coat that night.

Author About:

Detective Mr. Heshmati believes that a good detective should have a detective coat. He is not a good detective, but his daughter believes that her father is the best and smartest police detective. Detective Mr. Heshmati borrows a coat from his neighbor to attend his daughter`s birthday party and get involved in a murder case with a borrowed coat that night.

Publisher Name:avand-danesh

Address:No. 4 Golden Dead End Nateghnouri St. Golnabi St., Pasdaran St Tehran



ManagingDirector:mehdi omranloo

Languages we correspond in: english
