Velayat-e Faqih (Leadership of Justice and Jurisprudence)

Written by: Abdullah Javadi Amoli
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: self-publisher
Category: Literature
Year: 2016
592 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Today, the pattern of the Islamic system is formed in the politics area basis on the principle of Ve-layat-e Faqih. It has a complete indication of independence, liberty and dynamism way of the perfec-tion of humans in its own. The elegance and being newly-designed of the Velayat-e Faqih issue, as well as the intellectual and cultural influx of foreigners to create doubt and understatement in it has raised questions and doubts in this regard that has revealed the need for greater enlightenment and stronger innovation. The valuable book of "Velayat-e Faqih, Leadership of Justice and Jurispru-dence", with a comprehensive overview on Islamic issues and the inference of topics from genuine religious resources, is a timely and proper response to this contradiction of thought and settling the matter on the right place. This book is a timely and proper response to this contradiction of thought and settling the matter in the right place, a comprehensive overview of Islamic issues, studying and the inference of topics from genuine religious resources, particular attention and perspicacity in the design of such issues - till the correct and complete explanation and answering to the opinions and considered doubts as well as incompatible readings with the religious resources and culture of it, can demonstrate its ma-jor and fundamental efficiency and impact on individual and collective life of the community - and ultimately, theorizing and compiling the Islamic issues.

Author About:


Publisher Name:self-publisher






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