Islam and the Environment

Written by: Ayatollah Abdullah Javadi Amoli
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: POL Literary & Translation Agency
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
360 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Islam and the Environment a collection of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli’s writings, lectures, and messag-es with a divine view on the environment. In addition to talking about mankind’s responsibility for keeping the environment healthy, it further illustrates healthy lifestyles and the secret of natural disas-ters. The book is written in 5 chapters titled as: “Land prosperity and establishing utopia by the divine Caliphate, the environmental background of humanities and theology, the relationship between good and evil deeds and natural disasters, efforts in the nature and their effect on preserving the environment and the effect of sociable behavior on the health of the living environment. The author explains that preserv-ing the environment before being an objective and empirical field science, is intuitive and human knowledge and looking at the environment merely from a materialistic point of view, is an affront to the dignity of mankind and since religion is responsible for all levels and dimensions of human existence, environmental science and preservation of natural habitats are also part of humanities and theology. This book is translated both into English and Arabic.

Author About:

Grand Ayatollah Abdullah Javadi Amoli (1933 – Amol) is a well-known, outstanding thinker in various fields of Islamic sciences and a distinguished figure in exegesis, jurisprudence, philosophy, and mysticism. He learned literature, the Description of Lum' laws and other books from great mentors. In 1950 he went to Tehran and continued with his education and learned Rasā’il and Makāsib and the Interpretation of the Qur’an along with the Description of Fusūs al-Hikam.In 1955 he went to Qum to complete his education .Upon the completion of his education, his activities were focused on teaching and promoting divine science. He established “’Asra’” Re-search and Publishing Institute in order to do research on various majors in Islamic Studies and answering the criticisms of Islam in 1993. Javadi Amoli has penned more than 100 books on various subjects in Islamic studies

Publisher Name:POL Literary & Translation Agency

Address:Unit 3, no.108, Nazari str, Inghelab ave, Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:Majid Jafari Aghdam

Languages we correspond in: Persian
