Haji Hadi Unit

Written by: Ja'far Kazemi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: self-publisher
Category: Literature
Year: 2012
413 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The book Haji Hadi Unit addresses the memories of self-sacrificing Jihadists and their support of the Iran-Iraq war in one of Iran’s cities. This book is the result of the author’s interview with Hajji Hadi Janidi and more than 40 hours of interviews with his fellow comrades, written in the form of 210 memoirs. Haji Hadi was a comrade of martyr Chamran (a commander of Iran’s guerrilla warfare) who was involved in the war logistics since the begin-ning of the war and organized a unit for this purpose. The unit had 8 martyrs during the war. The author recreated the memories and indicated the name of the narrator of each memoir under its title. There are photos and documents relating to Haji Hadi Janidi and his comrades in the book’s annex. The author writes in the foreword of the book that nearly one thousand men and women were active in the Haji Hadi’s unit and it was not possible to mention all of them. However, he had indicated the name of some of the fighters of that unit, bro-ken down by occupation, including teachers, farmers, freelancers, drivers and truckers, revolutionary guards, of-fice employees, and kebab chefs. The highlight of the present book is addressing a part of the war that is less mentioned in the books about the war, and it is writing the memoirs of fighters that are engaged in logistics work behind the front. Each of the memories retold in this book by the Haji Hadi unit members is a fascinating short story that takes the reader to the heart of the events and spiritual environment of those units that were participating in the war.

Author About:


Publisher Name:self-publisher






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