A Loud Song

Written by: Aliasqhar Ezzati Pak
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: POL Literary & Translation Agency
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
140 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The story is about Hadi, the missing son of a family who are from Hamedan and who have suf-fered a lot of torment and anguish during their involvement in many adventures while looking for him. The au-thor, writing in the form and style of a diary, while remaining loyal to the truths of “the Sacred Defense” while complying with the storytelling principles to draw a totally documentary illustration of the time that only the role of imagination in its regulation is merely to make the scenes more transparent and help the reader identify with the same heroes of the story. A novel that initial attempt to make a real and explicit narration of the war with a humane look, toward a war far from hatred. It has been influenced by the history of the narratives of war as well., A Song story that conveys to its readers, the most of its messages in its characterization and making space,.

Author About:

Ali Asqhar Ezzati Pak (1974-Hamedan) Ali Asghar Ezaati has commenced his literary career in 2006 by penning the book titled "I'm at the back of the door ". He could create some novels for his readers during the past decade.Ezzati's works gained the attention of many literary critics and award juries and he managed to nab a variety of literary awards. At present, Ezzati is responsible for the group's story of the Sharestan-e Adab cultural institution, which has been conducting extensive and successful literary works in the field of literature, especially the literature of revolution and sacred defense.

Publisher Name:POL Literary & Translation Agency

Address:Unit 3, no.108, Nazari str, Inghelab ave, Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:Majid Jafari Aghdam

Languages we correspond in: Persian
