The Encyclopedia of Prophets

Written by: Afsaneh Musavi Garmarudi
Illustrated by: Atefeh Malekiju
Publisher: Alhoda Publications
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2016
136 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Human being is an intelligent being, considered by many people to be the most intelligent creature in the universe. To prosper, this intelligent being has ruined his environment, providing food and making houses and roads. This book deals with the concept of the environment, the relationship between man and the environment, different features of nature and the environ-ment, the main threats to the environment, and the eco-warriors. Excerpt: The Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. At the time, it's shape was different from what it is today. After a very, very long time, the Earth was prepared to host the primitive forms of life. It took 2 billion years for the Earth's atmosphere to be provided with enough oxygen. Now, the biosphere was formed.

Author About:

Mehdi Zarghamian was born in Tehran in 1966. He studied French literature and lin-guistics in the university. A prolific author of children's literature, he is first and foremost known for the compi-lation of a range of age-appropriate encyclopedias and dictionaries for 4-16 year olds.

Publisher Name:Alhoda Publications






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