My Share of His Eyes

Written by: Mostafa Rahimi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Soore Mehr Publishing Co.
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
542 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

My Share of His Eyes is the story of the Iraqi invasion of Iran, told from the perspective of Hesam as an observer. From this point of view, the memoirs quoted in this book show a different perspective. Hamid Hesam, a fighter whose job it is to watch the war zone, defines the defense from the front line, upon the hills, mountains, towers, and from the heart of the enemy to home, university, and society. Commander Hamid Hesam spent most of his time on the front and after a number of assignments on the front such as shooting RPG-7, works in the reconnaissance department and is appointed as a watchdog in Ansar Al-Hossein (AS) division of Hamedan province. At that time, he was fascinated by a character named Martyr Mohammad Manochehri and spends memorable moments in his company. This character, in the book My Share of His Eyes, deals with the Holy Defense memoirs that reflect his humanistic view of the era, and through telling his observation memoirs, kind of exposes the deeper layers of the human personality during the war and describes the witnessed events and maneuver plans. The stages of his life until September 22, 1980, are written in a simple narrative, and from the beginning of Iraq’s Impose War on Iran, the holy defense events witnessed by Hamid Hesam are described in detail and continues at the end of each chapter with pictures relating to those events. In this book, there are 10 to 12 transformations of human beings with their pasts who have come to the front and continued their lives in a different way, and it is noteworthy that most of them have been martyred. The observation troops in the Holy Defense era are a valuable subject that has been rarely considered. The book My Share of His Eyes is one of the few works in which, memoirs have been compiled in detail, relying on the author’s story development skills. The works of Commander Hamid Hesam are somewhere between memoir and fiction. This style is popular with both audiences and authors alike. Book Expert: I took a gunny bag and put it on my head to protect myself from sunlight and also the light does not hit my black hair and render me visible. If I wanted to observe in the sitting position, the Iraqis would easily spot me and it was game over. So, I lay on my stomach and slowly crawled on the embankment roof until I reached the edge of embankment’s cornices. When I was crawling, I was distracted by the Iraqis and did not realize that I was crawling on the melting bitumen of the embankment’s roof. During certain daylight hours, the terrain belonged to Iraqis and it was ours in other hours. From morning to noon, the enemy had a good view because they were located at the south of the area and the sunrise from the east, cast the sunlight on our face and we were exposed. In the mornings, the air was sultry and dusty, and we called it a half-of-five vision, meaning it was not of good quality and obscured. In the afternoons until sunset, the view was ours, that is, the sun was behind us, illuminating our south and southeast sides. In that case, the vision was clear a.k.a. five-of-five. So, when I was on the embankment, the vision was in our favor. I had an ordinary 7×42 binocular. While lying down, I slowly held the binocular in front of my eyes. No, I could not believe my eyes. In an instant, all Iraqi positions appeared in front of my eyes. It was as if I was above the enemy in a helicopter and peeped down on their activities.”

Author About:

Mostafa Rahimi (1963-Hamedan) Mostafa Rahimi was at the front lines since the beginning of the war. He was martyred while he worked as a writer in the field of Holy Defense. Rahimi collaborated extensively with “the memoir group in the Resistance Literature and Art Office of the Art Department”, “The Shahid Foundation’s Memoir Expert Committee”, and “The Expert Council of Memoir for the Preservation and Publishing of Holy Defense Values” and has imparted his experiences with these centers. Some of his works include: - Babanazar, Soore Mehr,2013 - The Man in Cell Number 5, Soore Mehr,2011 - Four bullets for Tofigh, Shahed Pubs.2009 - The Green Day Zar, Shahed Pubs.2006

Publisher Name:Soore Mehr Publishing Co.

Address:No.23, Rasht St, Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran

Phone:(+9821) 66477001


ManagingDirector:Abdol Hamid Gharahdaghi

Languages we correspond in: English
