
Written by: Mehdi Mirkiaei
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Soore Mehr Publishing Co.
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2019
131 Pages,
ISBN:978 600327552
All rights available

Book About:

Slavery was commonplace in the ancient world. The people who were captured in wars or by the bandits attacking convoys, were in some cases put at the service of other human beings to work for free. But when Europeans discovered new lands and continents by sea exploration, slavery was defined anew. The conquered areas had a great deal of resources and their vast plains were suitable for agriculture, but exploitation of all that needed labor. The use of slaves was the best way the Europeans found to supply this huge workforce. The Portuguese who pioneered in maritime exploration began slave trade before the rest of Europe, but soon other nations joined the booming market. Slavery was commonplace in the ancient history of the world, but no country like the European countries in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries practiced it so extensively. The slave trade in those years became the largest forced migration in human history. The book Manhunt, with a historical outlook on slavery, is going to explain to the audience the causes and reasons for the spread of this inhumane act. The chapters of the book include: Black Fishermen, Captivity in the Desert, Red Slaves, Queen’s Teacher, From Market to Market, Sea Voyage, Slaves Get Insured, The Slavery Stigma, New Life, Business Triangle, I Want to Buy Myself, Pete Diamond, The Lucky Frenchman, Rebellion, Pennant Castle, South Sea Bubble, and England Defends Human Rights. Book Expert: Henry loved African gold, ivory and pepper, but Africa had another appeal for him: slaves. The African tribes were in perpetual war against each other and the victorious tribe enslaved the defeated tribe’s men and women. They were kept or sold depending on case. The knife sharpening stones were given to these soldiers. That morning, the soldiers had breakfast by the river and then sharpened their swords. Then, they tested the swords on the fully naked body and the soft flesh of the Indians. One of them even split an Indian in two with a single blow. They did not hate the Indians and just loved gold and wealth. They needed these natives to work in farm with all their might.

Author About:

Mehdi Mirkiaei (1973-Tehran) Mehdi Mirkiaei is a contemporary writer and scholar who is also an academic of Allameh Tabataba’i University. He began his literary career by penning stories for children, but later expanded his activities by attaining an academic certificate in history. In the years after the Islamic Revolution, Mirkiaei’s works gained the attention of many literary critics and award juries and beside the book of the year award, he managed to nab a variety of literary awards including the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults’ book of the year award and the Council for Children’s Books’ book of the year award. Furthermore, two translations of his works have been published in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Some of his Books: -Legend of the Marble Lair (Afsaneye Laneye Marmarin). Tehran: Shabaviz, 2004 -The Song of the Charred Tree (Avaz-e Derakht-e Sookhteh). Tehran: Taka, 2010 -Fire and Water (Ab o Atash). Tehran: Amir Kabir, 2015 -Let’s Write a Story (Biaid Dastan Benevisim). Tehran: Talaee, 2015

Publisher Name:Soore Mehr Publishing Co.

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ManagingDirector:Abdol Hamid Gharahdaghi

Languages we correspond in: English
