The Iranian Dawn

Written by: amirhasan cheheltan
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Negah
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
206 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

This is the story of a man who can return to Iran after 28 years of exile because the Islamic revolution of 1979 has been victorious. Now he faces a country strange to him and has a chance to once again review his life and fight 30 years ago. Mr.Cheheltan is an international Iranian writer, his books have been published in Germany and other countries as well and his work is a representation of life in Iran in the past century.

Author About:

This is the story of a man who can return to Iran after 28 years of exile because the Islamic revolution of 1979 has been victorious. Now he faces a country strange to him and has a chance to once again review his life and fight 30 years ago. Mr.Cheheltan is an international Iranian writer, his books have been published in Germany and other countries as well and his work is a representation of life in Iran in the past century.

Publisher Name:Negah

Address: No63,fakhrerazi st,Enghelab Ave



ManagingDirector:alirereza raees danaee

Languages we correspond in: English
