A man of the north (Gile-Mard)

Written by: bozorg alavi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Negah
Category: Literature
Year: 2019
204 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

A classic short story collection by Bozorg alavi, some of the stories of this book are part of high school education in Iran. Alavi’s social concerns are most obvious in these stories. He manages to create a breath taking world, where fighting is the only choice, even in the face of defeat. The title of the book comes from the short story of the same name which holds a permanent place in the canon of Iranian short stories. Gile-Mard is an essential read for anyone interested in Iranian modern Fiction.

Author About:

A classic short story collection by Bozorg alavi, some of the stories of this book are part of high school education in Iran. Alavi’s social concerns are most obvious in these stories. He manages to create a breath taking world, where fighting is the only choice, even in the face of defeat. The title of the book comes from the short story of the same name which holds a permanent place in the canon of Iranian short stories. Gile-Mard is an essential read for anyone interested in Iranian modern Fiction.

Publisher Name:Negah

Address: No63,fakhrerazi st,Enghelab Ave



ManagingDirector:alirereza raees danaee

Languages we correspond in: English
