I Am Not Mitra

Written by: Masoumeh Ramhormozi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2019
220 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

This book tells the story of the life of Martyr Zainab Kamai. Manuscript and photos of Martyr Kamai are also included in this book.

Author About:

Masoumeh Ramhormozi is one of the saints in the holy defense who was deployed in 1359 at the age of 14 as a relief worker to support the Southern Red Crescent on right-wing fronts. Ram Hormozi, who had been awarded a diploma during the war, graduated from Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz in 1989 with a Masters Degree in Islamic Studies. He received his degree in Quran and Hadith Science from Tehran Azad University. He has been teaching and writing books and editorial for over 16 years, and has been the author of "The Last Sunday" and "On the Wings of Malek", which he has written from war memoirs. Includes to be published. He is currently working in the Resistance Art and Literature Bureau of the Arts.

Publisher Name:Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers

Address:No.140, Shohadaye-e JAndarmeri St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran


Fax: -


Languages we correspond in: ENGLISH
