How to become a Storywriter

Written by: jamal mirsadeghi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Sokhan Publication
Category: Academic
Year: 2014
716 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The book contains information that helps any reader gain more in reading the stories. The book is not a technical one. In part of the book we read, You think of writing when you have a plan in your mind. Writing is thinking since it is making an array of words. words are the only medium of thoughts. Each novel starts by outlining a subject. Indeed, the plan is the very first step taken in writing a story. Everyone may have a plan for a novel but to create a novel, one must know its elements.

Author About:

The book contains information that helps any reader gain more in reading the stories. The book is not a technical one. In part of the book we read, You think of writing when you have a plan in your mind. Writing is thinking since it is making an array of words. words are the only medium of thoughts. Each novel starts by outlining a subject. Indeed, the plan is the very first step taken in writing a story. Everyone may have a plan for a novel but to create a novel, one must know its elements.

Publisher Name:Sokhan Publication

Address:No. 48, Shahid Nazari Ave., Daneshgah Ave., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:Ali asghar Elmi

Languages we correspond in: English
