It was not supposed to

Written by: homa poor esfahani
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Sokhan Publication
Category: Literature
Year: 2017
192 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The novel is the story of a girl named Tarsa who is trying to enter the university and now she is waiting for the results of her exam. Her mother has passed away a few years ago and she lives with her father and granny. Her elder sister is married and she plans to go to Canada for education. But since her father has had a bitter experience sending her elder sister, he is not going to let her go too. Tarsa and her friends try to find a way to convince her father. In this route, a series of event happens and a person enters her life.

Author About:

The novel is the story of a girl named Tarsa who is trying to enter the university and now she is waiting for the results of her exam. Her mother has passed away a few years ago and she lives with her father and granny. Her elder sister is married and she plans to go to Canada for education. But since her father has had a bitter experience sending her elder sister, he is not going to let her go too. Tarsa and her friends try to find a way to convince her father. In this route, a series of event happens and a person enters her life.

Publisher Name:Sokhan Publication

Address:No. 48, Shahid Nazari Ave., Daneshgah Ave., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:Ali asghar Elmi

Languages we correspond in: English
