
Written by: narges mosavat
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Sales Publication
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
102 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

equality is the owner of a pen in the years of the persian novel . the narcissus , which does not expose anyone to anyone , finds a man living and living , and the other makes his life more valuable , but who can tell which is worth his worth and whether he 's worth anything at all . the zohar 's soil novel is a story of blood or leaning or leaning on the zohar . the zohar is tempting . a vow to improve things . sometimes someone would give blood to stay dirt , and sometimes he would see jon

Author About:

equality is the owner of a pen in the years of the persian novel . the narcissus , which does not expose anyone to anyone , finds a man living and living , and the other makes his life more valuable , but who can tell which is worth his worth and whether he 's worth anything at all . the zohar 's soil novel is a story of blood or leaning or leaning on the zohar . the zohar is tempting . a vow to improve things . sometimes someone would give blood to stay dirt , and sometimes he would see jon

Publisher Name:Sales Publication

Address:fourth floor, No 150, Between Mahshahr and Irashahr St, Karimkhan Ave, Tehran, IRAN.




ManagingDirector:Mohammad Ali Jafarieh

Languages we correspond in: English
