Glass of Loyalty

Written by: Mojgan Hazratian Fam
Illustrated by: ---
Publisher: Culture and Art Association of Women Publishers
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2018
12 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The story talks about a couple of teenagers assist and symphonize each other. The story happens in a school. In a game one of the kids breaks a window of the Immoral principals office. The principal wanted to punish the guilty. Hassan the head boy of the class told him that it was him in order to protect his class mates. The principal finds out that he wasn’t guilty so he forgives them. The story teaches us: It’s better to remain friends and solve the problems with eachother.

Author About:

Is a creative, powerful author who as simple as she writes, she points the struggles and twists of human mind and mentality. by showing the belief and the emotion of the characters, she shows the beauty of the simple human life. From this author there are several books in deferent genres in the city library like: novel, short story, love poems, The wars memory and children and young men and …. “Old Chirik, Orange world, sweet wait, Persian prince, patient cypress, new century love, little commander in Khorramshahr, love in the café” are the books from the author that can be named.

Publisher Name:Culture and Art Association of Women Publishers

Address:No.11, Enghelab Ave., Tehran, Iran,

Phone:(+9821) 66971127

Fax:(+9821) 66971127

ManagingDirector:Mrayam Zohorian

Languages we correspond in: English-persian
