Types of Arabic Poetry and Its Evolution (A new plan for introduction, description, teaching and researching different types of Arabic Poetry)

Written by: Khalil Parvini Hooman Nazemian
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Tarbiat Modarres University Press
Category: Academic
Year: 2017
576 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

As Arabic language is the language of Quran, there used to be a lot of effort and motivation for learning it, from the past until now. It also had a lot of importance for Iranian masters of Persian language and literature. Most of great personalities in Iran used to learn Arabic language and literature before they start learning their own profession. They have chosen Arabic as their Synthetic and Academic language. But unfortunately, in the recent decades, youth pay less attention to the importance and necessity of learning Arabic language and literature. This issue may have a lot of reasons. One of them can be lack of a comprehensive up to date book in this field. The authors of this book, who has experience in teaching Arabic Poetry and prose in famous universities of Tarbiat Modarres and Shiraz for more than two decades, have realized the weakness of Persian literature learners in this field. After a lot of consultation, thought and surveying what has already written in this field, the authors have written a comprehensive plan which includes all types of Arabic Poetry in all ages. Arabic Poetry techniques according to reliable criticism books have been used in this plan. For each technique, method of teaching has been said in a section involving relative examples. The conclusion of survey shows that by teaching this books in different grades of studying Persian language and literature, student will learn types of Arabic Poetry and their examples in all ages and then will see new horizons for studying in that field. In addition to Persian language and literature students, this book can be helpful for all those who want to get familiar with masterworks in Arabic Poetry and use its brilliant treasures.

Author About:


Publisher Name:Tarbiat Modarres University Press

Address:Jalal Al Ahmad Highway, Tehran, Iran Tarbiat Modarres University



ManagingDirector:najmedin amirshah karami

Languages we correspond in: English
