Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

Written by: M. F. Ghalehbandi, M.D.
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Arjmand publication
Category: Academic
Year: 2017
760 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Psychological disorders impose a huge burden on society. According to the latest national survey, about a quarter of the country's population has at least one psychiatric disorder that requires psychotherapeutic attention. Unfortunately, despite the high prevalence of mental disorders, many patients do not receive the necessary treatment and care. According to the evidence, about half of the patients referred to general practitioners suffer from at least one psychiatric disorder. Clinical Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences is designed as a reference book for medical students in Iran. The first edition of the book was well received and was honored (in Psychiatry) by the University of Tehran Publication Council in the 21st Academic Book Festival. The new edition of the book, in 34 chapters, is co-edited by fifty faculty members of the medical universities in Iran. In this latest edition, the updated scientific findings provide the results of the latest epidemiological surveys of psychiatric disorders in Iran. Also, diagnostic criteria are updated according to DSM-5, and sections such as “psychopharmacology in children and the elderly” as well as “pregnancy” are added.

Author About:


Publisher Name:Arjmand publication

Address:No. 292, Keshavarz Boulevard between Kargar and 16 Azar. tehran. Iran



ManagingDirector:Mohsen Arjmand

Languages we correspond in: English
