The Long Way of Transition (Second Edition)

Written by: Mohammad M. Forghani
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Allameh Tabatabai University Press
Category: Academic
Year: 2018
327 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The terms Discourse, Discourse Analysis, and Critical Discourse Analysis, in their modern sense, have a history of more than half a century. In the epistemological terms, however, their roots can be traced in hermeneutics, with a background going back to earlier than the Christian era. Assuming an interdisciplinary approach, the present book has made use of history, linguistics, political science, communications, development studies and political sociology to conduct Discourse Analysis on the local media content related to Iran’s political development during almost a century between 1906 and 1998. Compared to its previous edition, this volume has included an extra chapter on the method for extraction of data and definition of variables. It is of use to students and researchers, especially in the practical use of discourse analysis, and despite its probable limitations, it is still a valuable sourcebook in the field because it explains the indices of political development and clarifies the principles and foundations of discourse analysis, both in theory and practice, to analyse and review the conceptual evolution of political development in Iran.

Author About:


Publisher Name:Allameh Tabatabai University Press




ManagingDirector:Shoja Ahmadvand

Languages we correspond in: English
