Dictionary of Political Terms for EFL for Learners

Written by: Mehdi Nowruzi Khiabani
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Allameh Tabatabai University Press
Category: Academic
Year: 2017
435 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

In this dictionary, in addition to the political terms, some basic and high-frequency words from the related areas, such as economy, law, war and peace are included. This is because the distinction between these areas is not very clear; the use of some basic terms from the field of law or economy is inevitable in any political text. Another distinctive feature of this dictionary is that along with general English words which usually collocate with political terms, the phrasal verbs and idioms commonly used in political texts and debates are also included. This adds a new dimension to this work which will be helpful especially for those engaged in producing political texts. By only looking up the keyword of the concept they have in mind, the users can easily get access to the verbs, adjectives and nouns that are commonly used with the keyword. When we add to this scheme the effect of examples which illustrate the meaning of the words and the collocations in various contexts, we see how valuable this source will be for EFL leaners and users in different levels of English language proficiency.

Author About:


Publisher Name:Allameh Tabatabai University Press




ManagingDirector:Shoja Ahmadvand

Languages we correspond in: English
